Welcome to the Instructional Design: The Looking Glass of Learning blog

Welcome to the Instructional Design: The Looking Glass of Learning blog. Although we will not be discussing the theories behind Lewis Carroll's meaning of Alice's adventures beyond the rabbit hole, we will however be able to take this opportunity to share educational feedback, theories and philosophies pertaining to Instructional Design, learning practices and ideologies openly.

The purpose of this blog is to keep our creative thoughts following and partake in thought provoking discussions that allow each us to learn even more about ourselves, one another and the worlds in which we teach and learn.

Making eLearning Design Look Easier

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Developing Oneself for Success

Although it is required to identify a development plan on an annual basis, my personal development plan has been more of a career planning road map. Upon entering the organization, we were asked to map out a five year plan and present it to our immediate Supervisor. As memory recalls, my five year plan consisted of the following:

Reflecting back, it seems that I have taken that five year plan and stretched it across a career with the intended goal of becoming a Professor later in years. From an organizational development perspective, many opportunities have been offered, but none so rewarding as those in the past two years.

For the purpose of this blog the following reflect types of developmental opportunities, as identified by Noe (2010), have been offered to me and have provided the opportunity of enrollment a Master’s program with Walden University, has enabled me to become more focused, and allowed me to consider/embrace other developmental opportunities in the very near future. The following table captures these development opportunities and how each plays a critical role in my career path and success.

In addition, the opportunity to enhance development within the organization is also milestone. The below presentation captures a drafted proposal to increase developmental tactics and identifies its importance as it relates to the organization's mission and vision.


Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

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